Thursday, March 4, 2010

Counter Pressure Bottle Filling Is Fun!!!

Kegging is awesome! You take an entire batch of beer and put in in one giant bottle. You force carbonate it with messing around with priming sugar..and you can just pour a beer whenever you need too! I imagine it's more environmentally friendly too as there are no caps to throw away, bottles to clean, etc. But if you want to enter some brews into a need to bottle!

That's where I turn to my trusty MoreBeer counter pressure bottle filler! This is a fun piece of equipment I received from Anthony (thanks bro!) for Christmas. It allows me to fill bottles from the keg..keeping them under pressure (and therefore not losing CO2). It turns out there is a little bit of a learning curve as you can see from the picture. If the bottle is under too much pressure when you take the filer out to turns out you spray the entire kitchen with beer. And by entire kitchen..I mean the walls, sink, ceiling, yourself, your daughter in the next get the picture. So you want that bleeder valve open just a bit before you take the filler out!!

PS: Wear safety goggles! The CO2 in your beer burns!!!


  1. That's AWESOME! (the pic and new toy, not the resulting clean up)
    How do you keep your kegs cold?

  2. Right now they stay cold by leaving them in the window well of my basement. It's relatively clean and its been so cold that they haven't warmed up!!

    With the temps changing though..I'm going to need a fridge!!!
