Entries are only $7 and you could win some great prizes! Again..this is a great opportunity to get quality feedback from BJCP judges!
Deadline is Feb 26th!
Competition details from the Alers' website after the break.
Dredhop 2010
03/06/2010 - 8:00am
03/06/2010 - 7:00pm
Reggale and Dredhop Homebrew Competition
The Reggale and Dredhop Homebrew Competition is an annual event sponsored by Hop Barley and the Alers, the homebrew club of Boulder County, Colorado. It is an AHA Sanctioned Competition, BJCP Registered Competition, and MCAB Qualifying Event.21st Annual Reggale and Dredhop Homebrew Competition
March 6, 2010
The Falling Rock Tap House, Denver, Colorado
Deb Lee, Director (treasurer@hopbarley.org)
Hop Barley and the Alers invite you to enter the 21st Annual Reggale and Dredhop Homebrew Competition to be held at The Falling Rock Tap House in Denver Colorado. The competition will take place on March 6, 2010. We will accept all homebrewed beer and mead, and this year cider, too! This competition is sanctioned by the AHA and the BJCP. Again this year, the Reggale and Dredhop will be a qualifying event for the Masters Championship of Amateur Brewing (MCAB). Ribbons will be awarded for the top three entries in each category as well as ribbons for the Best of Show Beer and Mead. We reserve the right to combine categories as necessary due to the number of entries. Prizes will also be awarded. You may also contact the competition director, Deborah Lee at treasurer@hopbarley.org or at (303)888-0253.
Entry form
New online entry form can be found here: http://hopbarley.org/dredreg/Rules and Regulations
All entries shall be handcrafted products, containing ingredients available to the general public. Use of brew-on-premise or commercial facilities is not allowed. Yeast from commercial breweries is acceptable. -
Each entry will be judged according to the 2008 BJCP Style Guidelines for the category and subcategory in which it is entered. Organizers will not classify or reclassify your entries. Beers of similar style may be grouped together for judging as needed. First place winners in each category will be judged in a final round to determine a Best of Show Beer and Mead. No limit on entries per subcategory. How to Enter: An entry shall consist of two (2) bottles, 10 to 14 ounce, clean of all paper, labels, label adhesive, and any other distinguishing features. Note: We will not accept bombers (22 oz.) and swing top bottles. Printed crown caps are acceptable but should be completely blacked out. Bottles will not be returned, but you may pick empties at the awards ceremony after the judging on March 6th.
Each bottle will have a Bottle ID form attached with a rubber band. Glue or tape is unacceptable. A single entry form should accompany each entry. Please use the 2008 BJCP Style Guidelines (available at www.bjcp.org) for your entry categories and subcategories.
Accepted Styles:
All 2008 BJCP styles
MCAB Qualifying Styles:
Categories 1-19, 22
An entry fee of seven dollars ($7.00) per entry will be required. Please attach your entry fee(s) to the entry form. If you are dropping off entries, please have exact change or a check to minimize impact on the businesses. Make checks payable to Hop Barley and the Alers. One check per entrant, please.
Disqualified beers may be judged but will not be eligible for awards. The judges may decide not to award all places in any category. The judge’s decisions are final.
Where and when to enter:
Entries should arrive between Sunday, February 14th and 5 PM Friday February 26th. Late entries will not be judged.
Mail-in or Drop off:
- Beer and Wine at Home - 1325 W. 121st Ave. Westminster, CO. (720) 872-1234
Drop off only:
- Hop To It - 2900 Valmont Rd. #D-2 Boulder, CO 80301 (303) 444-8888
- The Brew Hut - 15108 E Hampden Av. Aurora, CO (303) 680-8898
- Beer at Home - 4393 S Broadway Englewood, CO (303) 789-3676
- Hops and Berries - 125 Remington Street, Ft. Collins, CO 970-493-2484
- Stomp Them Grapes - 4731 Lipan Street Denver, CO 80211 (303) 433-6552
- The judging will take place on March 6th from 9AM to 5PM at the Falling Rock Tap House. If you are not a registered judge, but would like to help steward or judge, please contact the judge director at mtthwandrsn@gmail.com or call (720) 939-3723. All experience levels are welcome. An awards ceremony will follow the judging at approximately 5:30 PM at The Falling Rock Tap House. Awards and prizes will be distributed at the ceremony. Food and beer will be available for purchase.
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