Saturday, January 30, 2010

Out of Kilter Scottish 70/-

Ok! Beer 1 of the repitching experiment will be going in the kettle tomorrow and I'm off to the store to buy ingredients! The recipe is from Brewing Classic Styles (It's copyrighted so I won't reproduce it here. You should own the book's awesome!)

The name came from this cartoon I found online.

This space is really just for getting procedure down in preparation for the brew! As this is only my second all-grain batch...I am still working out formulas and procedures for my brewery. Brew log after the break.
0) Night before, add 6 gallons H2O to MLT to de-chlorify1) Clean and scrub brewery (It's been sitting gathering sawdust from my recent cabinetry project)
2) MLT: Heat 5-6 Gallons H2O to 170 F.
2a) Preheat Mash tun with 1-2 gallons boiling H2O, dump water
3)  Add Grain to Mash Tun
4) Single-Infusion Mash. Target:158 F
5) Add 170F water to Mash 1 gallon at a time, stir between additions
6) Stabilize Mash Temp at 158F
7) Mash for 1 hour. Stirring every 15 mins
8) Heat Sparge water (3.5 gallons) to 170F
9) Recirculate First Runnings until clear
10) Lauter and Sparge. Boil kettle on floor, gravity drain. Pump sparge water on top of grain bed.
11) Sparge until volume in kettle is 7 gallons.
12) Calculate efficiency: (gallons collected) x (kettle gravity)/ (lbs of malt)
13) Run Boil
14) Chiller set-up, run into carboy
15) Ferment
16) Rack To Keg
17) Carbonate
18) Enjoy!!!

Brew Day: 1/31/10
OG: forgot to take!
FG: 1015

0) Did not happen, so working with chloriney water =(
1) Done
2) 11AM H2o Temp 176F       2a) boiled 2 gallons in MT
3) 11:30: Dough-in...4 gallons on malt (temp 148F Grrr)
3a)On low flame to bring up temp
4-6) 11:43 - 158F
7)a)Stir at 12:00 - 157F
b)Stir at 12:15 - 158F
c)Stir at 12:30 - 158F
12:43 -end- 156F
8)7 gallons collected
Kettle grav 1.041 @1040
Flame on 1:43PM
Boil Start: 2:05
Flame out: 3:05
Chilling no problem
In fermenter, pitch yeast 4:00PM
Forgot to get OG...doh! Assume slightly higher than 1040
Strong fermentation by Mon morning.

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